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"Ich bin immer noch das, was ich sein will...
Ich bin eine Pfauenkönigin."

"I am still who I choose to be...
I am a Peacock Queen!"
The Peacock Queen - in English and German - combined a magical audio installation with individual exhibits inspired by 19th century paper theatres. Through both the story and the individual exhibits, the listener/viewer was encouraged to look within, celebrate uniqueness - and resist external labels, prejudice and stereotypes, in order to become the true ruler of their own life... queen of their own destiny.
Hear an audio sample...
'The Peacock Queen' sample clipSarah Blake
00:00 / 02:46
Details from 'The Peacock Queen'...

'Queen Swann'
In the late 19th century, William Dorsey Swann was the first self-proclaimed drag queen and a pioneering gay rights activist, who was arrested for holding secret drag balls in Washington D.C. Seen here as part of the 'Queens Who Ruled' shadow box, mixed media.
"You cannot be a Peacock Queen..."
They sternly did insist,
"A female cannot bear those plumes,
That thing does not exist!"
Detail from 'The Peacock Queen' shadow box, mixed media.
'Obsequies For
The Queen Bee'
Shadow box, mixed media, which explores themes of environmental damage and climate change through a dark fairy tale motif.
Please note: the dead bumble bee that features in the glass coffin was a found object - no creatures were harmed in the making of this shadow box.
"I Wish to be a Peacock Queen -And dance in Feathers Bright!"
Detail from a suspended figure installation, mixed media.
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